End Period Poverty (Project 10000 Sanitary Pads) Distribution Donate Now

  • Created: 739 day(s) ago|
  • Nonprofit
When girls don’t have access to sanitary products, not only do they not feel protected, but it also puts their confidence, dignity, and education at risk. They are less likely to be able to participate in their education & other activities, and if they do they’re likely to feel distracted and unable to focus on reaching their full potential thereby they also resort to unhygienic methods of trapping their menstrual flow which may cause them other diseases and harm. Despite the ongoing challenges, Empress Ene Foundation in collaboration with Deoch Concepts wants to show girls that they are Supported and Helped by EndPeriodPoverty so that periods don’t hold young girls back from School. Empress Ene Foundation has championed girls' confidence for over 5+ years now and has donated more than 5000 pads since they started their #Project #1Girl1Pad #EndPeriodPoverty #PadAGirl Campaign in the Benue state. While Menstrual Hygiene Day is on 28 May, our team and our partners work all year round to ensure us: 1. Break the taboos and end the stigma surrounding menstruation 2. Raise awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, education about menstruation, and period-friendly sanitation facilities 3. Mobilize the funding required for action at scale 4. All of this contributes to our overarching goal: to build a world where no one is held back because they menstruate by 2030. #JoinUsInTheGlobaldayOfAction #MHDay2022 #Project10000SanitaryPads #GetInvolved #WeAreCommitted #BecomeAPartner #DonateNow To help keep girls focused on learning and engaging in the activities that help them build their confidence. #EndPeriodStigma #EndPeriodPoverty #PeriodEducationForAll #PeriodfriendlyToiletForAll #Today

Ene Empress +234 803 398 7764

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